
Carver Roads Food Pantry

Pantry hours: Tuesdays from 9:00am to 2pm

Every Tuesday rain or shine we open our pantry to any in need. Come receive food, prayer, and encouragement in our Fellowship Building toward back of campus. No stipulations, just bring an ID and yourself. We give because we have been given!
Our food pantry makes a meaningful and lasting impact in our community by addressing both the physical and spiritual needs of individuals and families we serve. Our pantry averages serving over 100 people a week, giving out 1000’s of pounds food.

Children's Church

Sundays @ 10:30am

Carver Road offers Children’s Church every Sunday morning for children ages 4 – 10.  While in our care they will be closely supervised and taught sound Biblical principles.  The children also take part in craft projects and special presentations.


Sundays @ both 9:30 & 10:30

We have a dedicated facility & team of volunteers who have been background checked and vetted for the safety of our baby’s to care for your precious baby’s during both Sunday school & church service. Our facility rooms are located behind our sanctuary & divided into 0-1 & 2-3 year olds so children can have age appropriate play companions. You will have to provide your information to both sign them in and out. Our goal is to allow you have a worry free experience worshipping our lord. We love children and they are a highlight and heritage of the Lord. We know it is work to bring them baby’s but it is so worth it to raise them up in the ways of the Lord. So whether you keep with you in service our utilize our Nursey we pray the Lord brings you into his house with your family!


Sundays @ 10:30am

Carver Road offers Children’s Church every Sunday morning for children ages 4 – 10.  While in our care they will be closely supervised and taught sound Biblical principles.  The children also take part in craft projects and special presentations.

senior Adults

Sundays @ 9:30am

The senior adults are one of the most active group at Carver Road.  They have the largest Sunday School class that meets at 9:30 AM every Sunday.  The 3rd Thursday of each month beginning at 11 AM they have a fellowship and luncheon with entertainment in our Fellowship Building.
Each month our bus is full going on day trips to places of interest and of course they always stop somewhere for lunch. If you have a lot of energy and love people, join our senior adults at Carver Road.

connect groups

Both on Sunday’s & throughout the Week

Connect Groups are just small groups where we as a church connect on a deeper level to God and one another by opening the word of God together. We have multiple options of times and days and would encourage you to get involved on a deeper level. We believe the level in which you get involved is the level in which you will grow!
Sundays @ 9:30 am:  Ladies Group;  Pairs & Spairs (Senior Adult group); Marshall’s class (Working class Adults); Youth Connect class
Mondays @ 6 am;  Men’s Discipleship Group (for working men)  they meet off campus
Mondays @ 6 pm;    Men’s Study in Revelations
Tuesday @ 6:30 pm  Ladies Life group  (Judy Lawrence’s house)